sweatergirl - adventures in knitting
Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Sweatergirl learns a lesson

When packing for a 10 hour car trip (each way), make sure you bring a second ball of yarn!

I had a great weekend, but accomplished very little knitting, since I ran out of yarn. But I finally have the hang of the Old Friend Aran cables, so I don't need the charts anymore. Whew.

I visited friends and got to see their new house for the first time. J is very creative and has a great sense of color, so I was flattered that I got to help her pick out fabric for a fun project - she is creating a canopy-type covering for the ceiling of their screened-in deck. I'm not quite sure if that describes it, but it is going to be fabulous. We kept rolling fabric off the bolt and walking under it; I'm sure we looked a bit flaky to the fabric store employees. But what a fun space the porch will be with its dotted turquiose canopy!

Maybe they need Blue's Clues sweaters to match the new spotted digs...

Boy - this is getting boring, and I missed the shizzolating of the weekend - check it out. Much more interesting if I could write that way, n'est ce pas?

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