Sweatergirl's short attention span
I decided to block Sam before seaming, since Sarah argued her point so convincingly. I am also debating what to do with the bands. I could go find a 6th color (another bright, or black?), or I was thinking of striped applied I-cord. I have a few days, since I decided to wet-block cotton during a rainy week. Thoughts?
So, I spent some time with the soy silk and the Lady Ann. And dropped that beautiful drop spindle over and over again. I was too stubborn to try another fiber I was more familiar with - tonight I'll try some tussah silk and some merino. But aren't they lovely together?
I also spent some time on the Old Friend aran - project notes to come. I had started this a looong time ago, but seeing Kathy's version inspired me to pull it out and get moving. Ok - I am slow to respond - I can't believe she posted this in January, and I am finally acting on my envy! But I had 16 inches done, did 3 more, and have 5 to go for the back. It's in Tahki Donegal Tweed, and the pattern shows up much better in person. This was the best I could do with the camera! Anyway, I forgot how much I loved knitting arans.
And here are some pics from the weekend - two wistful angora goats (love them!) and two sleepy Tunis sheep.
And for any of you MMKGers out there - can you believe I have some Noro Kuryeon yarn that Cheanne doesn't have enough of? Whoa. I think this is a bad sign and it is time to stop accumulating yarn...
Right now - on NPR (Diane Rehm show), they are talking about the resurgence of homemaking and the popularity of knitting. The book they are discussing is Made From Scratch, by Jean Zimmerman. They mentioned the "relaxation response" that happens when you knit. I am an incredibly uptight person, even with the knitting - so I hope everyone I know is thankful that I knit!
Actually, knitting was a minor mention, but this topic is an interesting one to me - balancing family/career/values. I know right now my life is terribly unbalanced, and do I think it will magically fall into place if I have kids? Hmm. Has anyone read any of her books? The titles look interesting (Life After Birth: What Your Friends Won't Tell You About Motherhood, Raising Our Athletic Daughters, and, earlier, and perhaps in another life, Breaking with Tradition). I guess the show worked, because I am curious enough to at least look at the books!
Told you I had a short attention span!