Sweatergirl's last day off
This is the last day of my full-time baby-bonding time. It has been wonderful! But back to work on Monday morning - but only part-time for 12 more weeks.
This no-yarn-buying pact with Sarah has been relatively successful for me - though I have added quite a few entries just today. Who would have known E would have such a yarn addiction at such a young age? You should have heard the way she carried on at the Yarn for Ewe sale - I couldn't leave without 4 baby-sweaters-worth of yarn. And then at the guild sale on Tuesday, I just had to reward her for being so good and letting me eat the scruptious Olive Garden buffet. So I left with another baby-sweaters-worth. Oh, but pay no attention to the Jo Sharp entry above those. That was just a slip - I still have a hard time resisting a sale.
But - there were very few unplanned purchases in the time of the pact. And that's really what I needed to work on - I needed to not buy yarn just because I was having a bad day. Now I need to work on that with the ice cream-eating habit that I developed in place of the yarn-buying habit...but that's another story.
So, as our pact comes to an end this month, what have I learned? Well, not to buy yarn unless I have a container to put it in. That should at least restrict the space the stash takes up. And also, to shop the stash before buying yarn - I have lots of nice yarn already that would be suitable for starting new projects. And the pact pushed me to work on some of the projects that I started long ago - although St. Brigid is still a work in progress.